
These quizzes have been aggregated from their corresponding posts. Best results will be achieved by reading the relevant posts before attempting to consolidate your knowledge!


Created on By Michelle
Portrait of Student

Using Articles with Nouns

Using articles with nouns

1 / 14

These things take —— time.

2 / 14

—– Jane is really tall.

3 / 14

Could you give me ———- apple?

4 / 14

That lady is ——– mother of my friend.

5 / 14

There is ———- tea in the pot.

6 / 14

He has ——— sister my age.

7 / 14

You’ll be leaving from —– gate yet to be specified.

8 / 14

You’ll be leaving from —– gate on the eastern concourse.

9 / 14

You’ll be leaving from —- Gate 5.

10 / 14

She has —- flowers in her hair that you gave her.

11 / 14

She has —– flowers in her hair.

12 / 14

Put —- flower in your hair.

13 / 14

I love ———- flowers in your garden.

14 / 14

I love —– flowers; they add such colour to life.

Your score is

The average score is 89%


Test your Intermediate English Grammar

1 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct adverb:

“He spoke __________, so I couldn’t understand him.”

2 / 19

Choose the correct form of the adjective or adverb:

“The film was __________ exciting than I had expected.”

3 / 19

Complete the sentence with the appropriate determiner:

“There are __________ interesting films playing at the cinema.”

4 / 19

Complete the sentence with the appropriate determiner:

“I bought __________ new laptop yesterday.”

5 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct gerund or infinitive for the verb in brackets:

“She never lets me _____ (bake) cakes in her kitchen.”

6 / 19

Complete the sentence with a gerund or infinitive for the verb in brackets:

“I would like __________ (visit) the museum next weekend.”

7 / 19

Choose the correct form (gerund or infinitive) to complete the sentence:

“She enjoys __________ (read) novels in her free time.”

8 / 19

Complete the sentence with the appropriate phrasal verb:

“She __________ her fear and decided to take the job.”

9 / 19

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

“I’m not good __________ maths.”

10 / 19

Choose the correct reported speech:

“I have been to Paris,” she said.

11 / 19

Change the direct speech into reported speech:

He said, “I will call you tomorrow.”

12 / 19

Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun:

“She has a cat. The cat is black.”

13 / 19

Choose the correct relative pronoun:

“The person __________ helped me was very kind.”

14 / 19

Choose the correct conditional sentence:

“If you studied hard, you __________ (pass) the exam.”

15 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct conditional form:

“If it __________ (rain) tomorrow, we’ll have the picnic indoors.”

16 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct modal verb:

“If I had known you were coming, I _______ have baked a cake.”

17 / 19

Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence:

“You __________ exercise regularly to stay healthy.”

18 / 19

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

“By the time we arrived, they __________ (leave).”

19 / 19

Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence:

“Last night, while I __________ (watch) a film, the power suddenly went out.”

Your score is

The average score is 89%


Commonly Confused Words

1 / 22

I like to _____ the stars on a clear night.

2 / 22

My son will _____ a new language at school this year.

3 / 22

Please _____ me about your trip to Europe.

4 / 22

I can _____ some money from the bank tomorrow.

5 / 22

She _____ her handbag everywhere she goes.

6 / 22

Can you _____ me your pen for a moment?

7 / 22

We _____ to the same school when we were children.

8 / 22

I need to _____ to the bank before it closes.

9 / 22

_____ to my party early if you want to get a good meal.

10 / 22

They _____ to the beach every summer.

11 / 22

She is _____ here to visit us next week.

12 / 22

Let’s _____ for a walk in the park this evening.

13 / 22

I can’t _____ to the phone right now, please leave a message.

14 / 22

He _____ early every morning to catch the bus.

15 / 22

She _____ her children well.

16 / 22

I _____ the sound of the ocean from my bedroom window.

17 / 22

They _____ a film at the cinema last Saturday.

18 / 22

He _____ students English at the local school.

19 / 22

She _____ a book to her friend as a birthday gift.

20 / 22

We _____ to music together in the car.

21 / 22

The sun _____ in the east every morning.

22 / 22

Let’s _____ a walk in the park this afternoon.

Your score is

The average score is 98%


Comparative and Superlative

Created on By Michelle

Comparative Superlative

Practise the comparative and superlative

1 / 16

The giraffe is the (tall) animal in the world

2 / 16

A cheetah is (quick) than a bear

3 / 16

The Sahara is the (big) desert in the world

4 / 16

Paris is (beautiful) than Dallas

5 / 16

The (long) word in the dictionary has 45 letters

6 / 16

7 o’clock is (late) than 3 o’clock

7 / 16

The falcon is the (fast) bird

8 / 16

The elephant is the (heavy) animal on land

9 / 16

The balloon is (light) than the cake

10 / 16

This street is (long) than that one

11 / 16

This is the ———– comfortable chair in the room (it is incredibly uncomfortable)

12 / 16

The science museum is the ————– interesting museum (I enjoy this museum above all others)

13 / 16

There are ————– flowers in my garden in the winter (not as many as in the summer)

14 / 16

I eat ——— than I used to (a smaller amount)

15 / 16

You should take ————- days off work (a smaller amount)

16 / 16

There is ——- water in the river now (an increase in)

Your score is

The average score is 96%



Comparative Sentences

There is a variety of ways to make comparisons. Can you select the right answer?

1 / 15

____________ you listen, ____________ you’ll understand.

2 / 15

____________ you save, ____________ you’ll have for emergencies.

3 / 15

____________ you sleep, ____________ hours you’ll have to work.

4 / 15

____________ you study for the exam, ____________ you’ll stress.

5 / 15

____________ you procrastinate, ____________ time you’ll waste.

6 / 15

____________ you practise speaking, ____________ fluent you’ll become.

7 / 15

____________ you invest, ____________ your returns will be.

8 / 15

____________ you travel, ____________ you’ll broaden your horizons.

9 / 15

____________ you work, ____________ money you’ll earn.

10 / 15

____________ you eat, ____________ weight you’ll gain.

11 / 15

____________ you pay attention, ____________ you’ll learn.

12 / 15

____________ you study, ____________ you’ll understand.

13 / 15

____________ you exercise, ____________ energy you’ll have.

14 / 15

____________ you practise, ____________ mistakes you’ll make.

15 / 15

The ____________ you save, ____________ you’ll have for retirement.

Your score is

The average score is 97%


Please visit the quiz at the bottom of the conditionals post.


The Conditional with ‘Unless’

Converting ‘if’ and ‘when’ conditionals to ‘unless’ and vice versa.

Do not use contractions in your answers. Don’t forget to use a full stop.

1 / 20

Unless we find a solution soon, the problem will worsen.

2 / 20

If I become the prime minister, I will prioritise education reform.

3 / 20

If it snows tonight, we’ll have a snowball fight tomorrow.

4 / 20

When you go to the shop, buy extra bread.

5 / 20

If she had saved some money, she could have gone on holiday.

6 / 20

If I grow taller, I will be able to reach the top shelf.

7 / 20

If they arrive on time, they won’t miss the beginning of the film.

8 / 20

Unless you ask for help, I will not know you need it.

9 / 20

If I see John, I’ll tell him what you said.

10 / 20

If we leave early, we can avoid the traffic.

11 / 20

If you had listened to me, you wouldn’t be in a mess.

12 / 20

When he has finished his homework, he can play video games.

13 / 20

If I ever win the lottery, I will buy a house by the beach.

14 / 20

If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late for the meeting.

15 / 20

If she comes to the party, I’ll be able to introduce you to her.

16 / 20

Unless you hurry, you’ll miss the train.

17 / 20

If I were you, I would take the job offer.

18 / 20

When you arrive, please let me know.

19 / 20

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

20 / 20

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors and watch movies all day.

Your score is

The average score is 0%




Practise writing contractions correctly

1 / 15

——- the time to act

2 / 15

I hope ——– have time to do everything

3 / 15

—— he say what time he would arrive?

4 / 15

The ——— amazing today

5 / 15

I ——— changed if I had known there was a dress code

6 / 15

—— all the people?

7 / 15

Peter ——– like cake

8 / 15

that hedgehog seems to have lost —— way

9 / 15

—— a mystery to me

10 / 15

—— that girl?

11 / 15

Will the person ——– car that is please move it?

12 / 15

Is that cat ——?

13 / 15

——- dog is always so naughty

14 / 15

——-‘s no way out of this mess

15 / 15

—— going to the park

Your score is

The average score is 84%


Not only… but also…

When using the correlative conjunction Not only… but also… the subject and auxiliary verb become inverted when not only begins the sentence. Where no auxiliary verb is present, the modal verb do is introduced. This inversion is used for emphasis and typically occurs in formal writing or speech.

The following example illustrates the two possible sentence structures of Not only… but also…:

I can not only study science but also humanities.

Not only can I study science but also humanities.

Have a go at creating and restructuring the following sentences.

1 / 40

First, convert all the following sentences to begin with Not only

For the purpose of the quiz, avoid using commas and always add a full stop at the end of your sentence.

Question: She excelled in academics. She also shone in extracurricular activities.

2 / 40

The concert was entertaining. It was also emotionally moving.

3 / 40

He is admired for his intelligence and for his kindness.

4 / 40

The company increased its revenue. It also expanded its market share.

5 / 40

The film captivated audiences with its plot and stunning visuals.

6 / 40

She is a talented musician and a gifted writer.

7 / 40

The restaurant offers delicious food and exceptional service.

8 / 40

The new smartphone model is sleek in design and packed with innovative features.

9 / 40

The project requires creativity and meticulous attention to detail.

10 / 40

The museum showcases ancient artifacts and modern artworks.

11 / 40

He is a great leader and a compassionate mentor.

12 / 40

The walk offers breath-taking views and a sense of serenity.

13 / 40

The book is informative and incredibly inspiring.

14 / 40

The company’s success is attributed to its hardworking employees and innovative strategies.

15 / 40

The festival celebrates traditional customs and contemporary art forms.

16 / 40

The athlete is admired for his physical prowess and sportsmanship.

17 / 40

The garden boasts vibrant flowers and lush greenery.

18 / 40

The hotel provides luxurious accommodation and top-notch amenities.

19 / 40

The charity event aims to raise funds for medical research and educational programmes.

20 / 40

The professor is respected for his expertise and his dedication to teaching.

21 / 40

Now invert the subject (and if necessary the auxiliary verb) with ‘not only’ to create an alternative sentence structure.

Notice that when the original auxiliary verb is ‘do’ it is omitted in the new sentence structure.

For example: Not only did I eat chocolate but also crisps

becomes: I not only ate chocolate but also crisps.

Question: Not only did she excel in academics but she also shone in extracurricular activities.

22 / 40

Not only was the concert entertaining but also emotionally moving.

23 / 40

Not only is he admired for his intelligence but also his kindness.

24 / 40

Not only did the company increase its revenue but it also expanded its market share.

25 / 40

Not only did the film not captivate audiences with its plot but also its stunning visuals.

26 / 40

Not only is she a talented musician but also a gifted writer.

27 / 40

Not only does the restaurant offer delicious food but also exceptional service.

28 / 40

Not only is the new smartphone model sleek in design but also packed with innovative features.

29 / 40

Not only does the project require creativity but also meticulous attention to detail.

30 / 40

Not only does the museum showcase ancient artifacts but also modern artworks.

31 / 40

Not only is he is not only a great leader but also a compassionate mentor.

32 / 40

Not only does the walk not only offer breath-taking views but also a sense of serenity.

33 / 40

Not only is the book is not only informative but also incredibly inspiring.

34 / 40

Not only is the company’s success attributed to its hardworking employees but also its innovative strategies.

35 / 40

Not only does the festival celebrate traditional customs but also contemporary art forms.

36 / 40

Not only is the athlete admired for his physical prowess but also his sportsmanship.

37 / 40

Not only does the garden boast vibrant flowers but also lush greenery.

38 / 40

Not only does the hotel provide luxurious accommodation but also top-notch amenities.

39 / 40

Not only does the charity event aim to raise funds for medical research but also educational programmes.

40 / 40

Not only is the professor respected for his expertise but also his dedication to teaching.

Your score is

The average score is 23%


The Future Continuous Tense

1 / 15

At midnight on New Year’s Eve, we __________ down to the new year. (count)

2 / 15

Next week, I __________ a workshop on creative writing. (attend)

3 / 15

Next summer, they __________ Europe together. (explore)

4 / 15

When you arrive, I __________ dinner. (cook)

5 / 15

In a few days, he __________ his new business venture. (launch)

6 / 15

Next Sunday, we __________ a picnic in the park. (enjoy)

7 / 15

Today, she __________ her report. (complete)

8 / 15

Next month, they __________ a marathon. (run)

9 / 15

At 10am tomorrow, I __________ in a virtual conference call. (participate)

10 / 15

Next year, we __________ our house. (renovate)

11 / 15

In a few hours, he __________  his research findings at the conference. (present)

12 / 15

Tomorrow morning, they __________ to a beautiful island. (travel)

13 / 15

Next week, we __________ our anniversary. (celebrate)

14 / 15

At 8pm tonight, she __________ a business meeting. (attend)

15 / 15

This time tomorrow, I __________ for my final exams. (study)

Your score is

The average score is 100%


The Future Perfect Tense

1 / 15

By the time she arrives, we __________ the project. (finish)

2 / 15

They __________ from school before the reunion next year. (graduate)

3 / 15

I am confident that we __________ the construction by the scheduled date. (complete)

4 / 15

By the end of the month, he __________ to five different countries. (travel)

5 / 15

She __________ her master’s degree by the time she turns 30. (earn)

6 / 15

The team is optimistic that they __________ the championship by the end of the season. (win)

7 / 15

By the time the guests arrive, we __________ a delicious feast. (prepare)

8 / 15

He __________ enough money to buy a new car by the end of the year. (save)

9 / 15

The company anticipates that it __________ the new product by next quarter. (launch)

10 / 15

By the time you get back, I __________ reading the book you lent me. (finish)

11 / 15

We __________ a beautiful garden by the time spring arrives. (plant)

12 / 15

They are confident that they __________ their dream house by the age of 40. (build)

13 / 15

By the time the film starts, we __________ our tickets and popcorn. (buy)

14 / 15

I’m sure that he __________ the marathon by the time we see him at the finish line. (complete)

15 / 15

The students are hopeful that they __________ all their exams by the end of the term. (pass)

Your score is

The average score is 100%


Created on By Michelle
Portrait of Student

Gerunds and Infinitives

1 / 12

I will let her ———– her friend

2 / 12

Have you finished………… now

3 / 12

The money enabled us …….. up our own business

4 / 12

They made us ——– the floor.

5 / 12

I catch my dog ——— biscuits all the time.

6 / 12

​I can’t imagine John ——— to a nightclub.

7 / 12

​I persuaded Dad ———- me a lift to the airport.

8 / 12

They advised us ———- plenty of water.  ​

9 / 12

They still deny ———anything wrong

10 / 12

We practised ——- the ropes

11 / 12

They promised not———the keys

12 / 12

He offered ——– me a drink

Your score is

The average score is 100%




Test your knowledge of homophones

1 / 12

He accepted ____ thanks for his hard work.

2 / 12

The ____ in the roof allowed rain to leak in.

3 / 12

She is taking a ____ and has gone to France.

4 / 12

They have a large ____ tree in the garden.

5 / 12

There is a new business _____ in the hotel.

6 / 12

This jigsaw has a ____ missing.

7 / 12

Would you _____ the tea, please?

8 / 12

He will have ____ that book before.

9 / 12

His ____ of humour is quite unique.

10 / 12

I can’t ____ to see you tomorrow.

11 / 12

She came down with the ____ on her birthday.

12 / 12

She chose a terrible camping ____ .

Your score is

The average score is 98%


Test your Intermediate English Grammar

1 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct adverb:

“He spoke __________, so I couldn’t understand him.”

2 / 19

Choose the correct form of the adjective or adverb:

“The film was __________ exciting than I had expected.”

3 / 19

Complete the sentence with the appropriate determiner:

“There are __________ interesting films playing at the cinema.”

4 / 19

Complete the sentence with the appropriate determiner:

“I bought __________ new laptop yesterday.”

5 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct gerund or infinitive for the verb in brackets:

“She never lets me _____ (bake) cakes in her kitchen.”

6 / 19

Complete the sentence with a gerund or infinitive for the verb in brackets:

“I would like __________ (visit) the museum next weekend.”

7 / 19

Choose the correct form (gerund or infinitive) to complete the sentence:

“She enjoys __________ (read) novels in her free time.”

8 / 19

Complete the sentence with the appropriate phrasal verb:

“She __________ her fear and decided to take the job.”

9 / 19

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

“I’m not good __________ maths.”

10 / 19

Choose the correct reported speech:

“I have been to Paris,” she said.

11 / 19

Change the direct speech into reported speech:

He said, “I will call you tomorrow.”

12 / 19

Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun:

“She has a cat. The cat is black.”

13 / 19

Choose the correct relative pronoun:

“The person __________ helped me was very kind.”

14 / 19

Choose the correct conditional sentence:

“If you studied hard, you __________ (pass) the exam.”

15 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct conditional form:

“If it __________ (rain) tomorrow, we’ll have the picnic indoors.”

16 / 19

Complete the sentence with the correct modal verb:

“If I had known you were coming, I _______ have baked a cake.”

17 / 19

Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence:

“You __________ exercise regularly to stay healthy.”

18 / 19

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

“By the time we arrived, they __________ (leave).”

19 / 19

Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence:

“Last night, while I __________ (watch) a film, the power suddenly went out.”

Your score is

The average score is 89%


Irregular Plural Nouns

Irregular Plural Nouns

Using irregular plural nouns

1 / 20

What is the plural form of ‘basis’?

2 / 20

Is ‘criteria’ singular or plural?

3 / 20

What is the singular form of ‘series’?

4 / 20

What is the plural form of ‘sheep’?

5 / 20

Is ‘ellipsis’ singular or plural?

6 / 20

What is the plural form of ‘formula’?

7 / 20

What is the plural form of ‘deer’?

8 / 20

What is the singular form of ‘graffiti’?

9 / 20

What is the plural form of ‘index’?

10 / 20

What is the plural form of ‘leaf’?

11 / 20

What is the plural of ‘matrix’?

12 / 20

What is the singular form of ‘media’?

13 / 20

What is the plural of salmon?

14 / 20

Is ‘phenomena’ singular or plural?

15 / 20

I bought _______ today. (plural)

16 / 20

What is the singular form of ‘offspring’?

17 / 20

What is the true plural form of ‘octopus’?

18 / 20

What is the singular form of ‘vertebrae’?

19 / 20

I bought _______ today. (singular)

20 / 20

What is the plural of ‘woman’?

Your score is

The average score is 64%


Modal Verbs

Created on By Michelle

Using Modal Verbs

Practise using the correct modal verb with this quiz.

1 / 13

We …….. not get home by midnight.

2 / 13

Will you ……………help us tomorrow?

3 / 13

I…………go home now.

4 / 13


5 / 13


6 / 13

………….you like to join us?

7 / 13

You………….buy a smaller one.

8 / 13

You…………stay in bed.

9 / 13

……..I take tomorrow off?

10 / 13

….….you like another biscuit?

11 / 13

……..I help you?

12 / 13

……..you like to open the window?

13 / 13

……. you please give me a hand?

Your score is

The average score is 96%




Do not use any punctuation when listing your answers in this quiz.

1 / 18

Write down the nouns in the following sentences:

Miss Smith is a great teacher.

2 / 18

They have experienced no freedom in their lives.

3 / 18

There are lots of insects crawling on that man’s head.

4 / 18

This winter is expected to be cold.

5 / 18

I have never seen such beauty

6 / 18

You are the champion of the world.

7 / 18

Have you bought the tickets to Paris?

8 / 18

Annie feels cold today.

9 / 18

I can’t do my homework.

10 / 18

There is a frightened cat under the kitchen table.

11 / 18

There is a dog in my garden.

12 / 18

State what kind of noun the following is:


13 / 18


14 / 18


15 / 18


16 / 18


17 / 18


18 / 18


Your score is

The average score is 94%


Parts of Speech

Word Classes

Test yourself on the parts of speech.

1 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘wow’?

2 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘many’?

3 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘quick’?

4 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘brown’?

5 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘foxes’?

6 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘jumped’?

7 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘swiftly’?

8 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘over’?

9 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘the’?

10 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘lazy’?

11 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘dog’?

12 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘and’?

13 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘they’?

14 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘all’?

15 / 15

Wow! Many quick brown foxes jumped swiftly over the lazy dog and they all laughed.

What word class is ‘laughed’?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Passive Voice

The Passive Voice

Learn the passive and active voice structures

1 / 20

First, convert these passive sentences into the active voice.

The cake was eaten by the hungry children

2 / 20

The report will be reviewed by the manager tomorrow

3 / 20

The film was watched by a large audience on the opening night

4 / 20

The house was built by skilled craftsmen

5 / 20

The song was sung beautifully by Adele

6 / 20

The problem was solved by a team of experts

7 / 20

The painting was admired by everyone at the art gallery

8 / 20

The letter was delivered by the postman this morning

9 / 20

Now, convert these active sentences to the passive voice.

Mum will have cooked the dinner

10 / 20

The cat had scratched the dog

11 / 20

Tom has kicked the football

12 / 20

The boy has thrown the ball

13 / 20

Mum was cooking the dinner

14 / 20

The cat is scratching the dog

15 / 20

Tom is kicking the football

16 / 20

The boy is throwing the ball

17 / 20

Mum cooked the dinner

18 / 20

The cat scratches the dog

19 / 20

The boy kicks the football

20 / 20

Tom will throw the ball

Your score is

The average score is 75%


The Past Perfect Tense

1 / 15

They __________ each other for years before they started dating. (know)

2 / 15

She regretted that she __________   the opportunity to meet the author. (miss)

3 / 15

By the time he woke up, his family _____ already _____ to the venue. (go)

4 / 15

We realised we __________  the map when we were already on the road. (forget)

5 / 15

Before the guests arrived, she __________ the table and prepared the food. (set)

6 / 15

They __________ the project before the deadline. (complete)

7 / 15

He found out that he __________  the exam after checking the results. (pass)

8 / 15

By the time we got to the concert, the band __________ their performance. (finish)

9 / 15

Before the storm hit, they ____ already _____ all the windows. (close)

10 / 15

She discovered that someone __________ all the biscuits she had baked. (eat)

11 / 15

The train __________ by the time we reached the station. (depart)

12 / 15

They __________ their homework before the teacher collected it. (finish)

13 / 15

He realised he __________   his keys at home when he reached the office. (leave)

14 / 15

By the time she arrived at the party, everyone ______ already _____. (leave)

15 / 15

Before the film started, we __________ our tickets. (buy)

Your score is

The average score is 93%


Phrasal Verbs

Please visit the quiz at the bottom of the phrasal verbs post.





1 / 21

Last ——- weather was terrible.

2 / 21

Both our ——- are great fun.

3 / 21

My ——– favourite trophy stands in the hall.

4 / 21

——- book is a brilliant read.

5 / 21

——– book is a brilliant read.

6 / 21

The ——– bones were all over its garden.

7 / 21

The ——- bones were all over their garden.

8 / 21

One doesn’t like to express —— political views too much.

9 / 21

—— house is next to mine.

10 / 21

——- house is next to mine.

11 / 21

——– journey to work always takes half an hour.

12 / 21

The people ——– house it is are away on holiday.

13 / 21

——- house is this?

14 / 21

The house is ———.

15 / 21

It’s ——– house.

16 / 21

That dress is ——–.

17 / 21

The boy took —— book.

18 / 21

I told them that it is ——–.

19 / 21

Is this book ——?

20 / 21

The cat licked ——- feet.

21 / 21

——- time to go  home now.

Your score is

The average score is 95%



Created on By Michelle


practise choosing the right preposition

1 / 21

See you — my birthday

2 / 21

See you — the weekend

3 / 21

See  you — Tuesday

4 / 21

See you — Christmas

5 / 21

It happened — 4th February, 1776

6 / 21

See you — Easter Monday

7 / 21

See you —– the winter

8 / 21

See you — 12 o’clock

9 / 21

It rains a lot ——- winter

10 / 21

Can you come ——- Monday?

11 / 21

May I reserve a table ——– three

12 / 21

We usually have lunch ——- one

13 / 21

I will meet her ——- two months

14 / 21

I usually get up ——- half past eight

15 / 21

My birthday is ——– the 6th of May

16 / 21

Come and see us ——- Christmas Day

17 / 21

I’m going to Italy —— a week

18 / 21

I’ll be back —— ten minutes

19 / 21

Paul isn’t here ——- the moment

20 / 21

My grandfather died ——- 1987

21 / 21

We’ve got English class ——- Thursday.

Your score is

The average score is 87%



Created on By Michelle


Test what you have learnt about the different types of English pronouns with this quiz

1 / 10

Form an interrogative sentence with an interrogative pronoun from the statement given:

The owner of the cat is not known.

2 / 10

Replace the noun with an indefinite pronoun:

‘All the people in the whole world’ might be a slight overstatement.

3 / 10

Replace the noun with a possessive adjective:

Annie’s garden is beautiful.

4 / 10

Reword this sentence using a reciprocal pronoun:

John has been in love with Jane for years and Jane has been in love with John for years.

5 / 10

Choose a reflexive pronoun to fill in the gap:

He blames ———- for the accident.

6 / 10

Replace the noun with a demonstrative pronoun:

A glass of champagne would be perfect.

7 / 10

Replace the proper noun with a possessive pronoun.

That laptop is Steve’s.

8 / 10

Enter a personal pronoun to replace the object of the sentence:

Tom loves the dog with all his heart.

9 / 10

Enter a personal pronoun to replace the subject of the sentence:

Sarah is always eating chocolate.

10 / 10

What type of pronoun is ‘myself’?

Your score is

The average score is 95%


Reflexive and Relative Pronouns

Test your knowledge of advanced pronouns. This quiz contains a mixture of reflexive pronouns and relative pronouns, including the possessive relative pronoun ‘whose’ and the object relative pronoun ‘whom. Have a go!

1 / 26

The person ________ I gave all my money to has disappeared.

2 / 26

The person in the corridor, _________ was at my home last night, is really tall.

3 / 26

The person in the corridor, _______ is making a lot of noise, was at my home yesterday.

4 / 26

That is the lady ______ we met last time we were here.

5 / 26

Do you know the student ________ essay impressed the professor?

6 / 26

She hired a lawyer with ______ she had worked closely on previous cases.

7 / 26

We promised _______ that we would keep their secret.

8 / 26

The manager ________ office is on the top floor called for a meeting.

9 / 26

Tomorrow is the deadline ________ we need to submit our project.

10 / 26

We visited a country _______ cuisine is known for its spicy flavours.

11 / 26

The author ________ book became a bestseller is giving a talk at the library.

12 / 26

The cat groomed ________ by licking its fur.

13 / 26

The street _______ my grandparents live is lined with beautiful trees.

14 / 26

The computer _______ she uses for work needs an upgrade.

15 / 26

He introduced me to a colleague with _______he had collaborated on several research projects.

16 / 26

She met a woman yesterday ________ dog won first prize at the dog show.

17 / 26

I’ll never forget the moment ________ I received the news.

18 / 26

The book ________ you recommended turned out to be an insightful read.

19 / 26

This is the restaurant ________ I had my first date with Sarah.

20 / 26

Mark reminded ________ to pick up his suit from the dry cleaners.

21 / 26

Do you remember the day _______ we first met?

22 / 26

The person _______ won the award is my best friend.

23 / 26

Yesterday, I went to the shop _______ I usually buy groceries.

24 / 26

The house _______ we visited last summer was filled with antique furniture.

25 / 26

The children enjoyed _______ at the playground during their break.

26 / 26

After the accident, Sarah blamed _______ for her injury.

Your score is

The average score is 100%


Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns

Learn which relative pronouns to use in relative clauses.

1 / 16

The mountain _____ we climbed was very challenging.

2 / 16

The concert _____ tickets are sold out is on Saturday.

3 / 16

The teacher _____ taught me English was very patient.

4 / 16

This is the same restaurant _____ we had dinner at last year.

5 / 16

The project _____ we’ve been working on for months is finally complete.

6 / 16

The girl _____ brother is a famous actor invited us to her party.

7 / 16

The book _____ cover is torn belongs to me.

8 / 16

The car _____ I bought last year has been very reliable.

9 / 16

My best friend, _____ I’ve known since childhood, is coming to visit

10 / 16

The house _____ we used to live in has been sold.

11 / 16

The doctor _____ treated my mother is highly respected in the medical community.

12 / 16

The film, _____ is based on a true story, was very emotional.

13 / 16

The restaurant _____ we ate at last night was very expensive.

14 / 16

Do you know the girl _____ won the singing competition?

15 / 16

The man _____ car was stolen called the police.

16 / 16

The book _____ I borrowed from the library is excellent.

Your score is

The average score is 97%


Reported Speech

Reported Speech

Converting direct speech to reported speech and vice versa

1 / 14

He mentioned that he had never been to Italy before.

2 / 14

“I’m meeting my friends at the park,” she informed her mother.

3 / 14

“We are going on holiday next week!” they exclaimed happily. (Yesterday)

4 / 14

“I won the race,” he proudly declared.

5 / 14

He mentioned that he is going to the shop after work.

6 / 14

She said that she had visited Paris last summer.

7 / 14

They explained that they wouldn’t be able to make it to the party.

8 / 14

He told me that he had already finished his work.

9 / 14

She said that she was reading a book.

10 / 14

“I can’t attend the meeting,” John told his boss.

11 / 14

“I have already seen that film,” she claimed.

12 / 14

“We will meet them tomorrow,” they promised.

13 / 14

“I’m studying for the exam,” he said.

14 / 14

She said, “I love to travel.”

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement

Practise your subject-verb agreement

1 / 19

The committee, along with expert advisors, ____ considering various proposals.

2 / 19

The information on the website _____ accurate and up-to-date.

3 / 19

The equipment for the experiment _____ being set up in the laboratory.

4 / 19

Not only the director but also the actors ____ present at the film premiere.

5 / 19

Everyone in the office ____ invited to the staff party.

6 / 19

Each of the employees _____ a unique contribution to the project.

7 / 19

Both the sisters ____ talented  musicians.

8 / 19

All the furniture in the room _____ brand new.

9 / 19

Neither the workers nor the manager ____ satisfied with the new policy.

10 / 19

The cake or the biscuits ____ delicious.

11 / 19

The committee ____ discussing the proposed changes.

12 / 19

Not only the students but also the professor ____ surprised by the test results.

13 / 19

The team, along with their manager, ____ practising hard for the upcoming match.

14 / 19

Everyone in the room ____ their own opinion on the matter.

15 / 19

Each of the students ____ a responsibility to complete the assignment.

16 / 19

Both the car and the bikes ____ parked in the garage.

17 / 19

All of the information in this book ____ accurate.

18 / 19

Neither the students nor the teacher ____ aware of the surprise party.

19 / 19

Either the cat or the dogs ____ responsible for the mess in the living room.

Your score is

The average score is 100%


Subjunctive Mood

The Subjunctive Mood

Practise when to use the subjunctive mood

1 / 12

I wish I _____ a better cook.

2 / 12

It’s important that you _____ quiet in the library.

3 / 12

If he _____ kinder, she’d be happier.

4 / 12

She wishes she _____ here.

5 / 12

If I ______ you, I’d apologise.

6 / 12

I insist he ______ present.

7 / 12

I hope it ______ tomorrow.

8 / 12

It is essential that she ______ the report by tomorrow.

9 / 12

She demanded that he _______ immediately.

10 / 12

It is important that you ______ on time.

11 / 12

I would rather he ______ my cake

12 / 12

I recommend that she ______ more

Your score is

The average score is 91%


Tag Questions

Tag Questions

Practise using tag questions

1 / 15

The sun is shining brightly, __________?

2 / 15

I have never been to Paris before, __________?

3 / 15

They won’t arrive on time, __________?

4 / 15

You’re going to the party tonight, __________?

5 / 15

I am your best friend, __________?

6 / 15

He didn’t enjoy the movie, __________?

7 / 15

We’ve met before, __________?

8 / 15

They couldn’t find their way back, __________?

9 / 15

It’s a lovely day, __________?

10 / 15

She never brings snacks to the meeting, __________?

11 / 15

You’re not coming to the concert, __________?

12 / 15

He knows the answer, __________?

13 / 15

They never forget your birthday, __________?

14 / 15

I can count on you, __________?

15 / 15

We should clean up this mess, __________?

Your score is

The average score is 83%



Created on By Michelle

Practise Forming English Tenses

Forming the English tenses

1 / 12

Complete the following sentence in the future perfect continuous tense.

They ———– that turkey for three hours when it’s ready to serve. (cook)

2 / 12

Finish the sentence below with the present perfect continuous tense.

I ———- hard today. (work)

3 / 12

Write the following sentence in the past perfect continuous.

She ————- football long before it was acceptable for girls. (play)

4 / 12

Complete the following sentence in the future perfect tense.

Ten minutes from now, you ————- this test. (complete)

5 / 12

Use the past perfect tense to complete this sentence.

I took my groceries home after I ——– for them. (pay)

6 / 12

Form the following sentence in the present perfect tense.

I ———– my car every day this week. (drive)

7 / 12

Write the following verb in the future continuous tense.

I ————– a party this weekend. (have)

8 / 12

Give the following answer in the present continuous tense.

You ———- rather greedy. (become)

9 / 12

Write the verb in brackets in the past continuous tense.

I ——— really quickly. (run)

10 / 12

Express the following entence in the present simple tense.

I ———- really happy. (be)

11 / 12

Put the following sentence in the future simple tense.

I ———– dinner tonight. (eat)

12 / 12

Change the following sentence to the past simple tense. (The verb to change is given in brackets.)

I —- there every day. (go)

Your score is

The average score is 75%


The Preposition ‘Along’

Created on By Michelle

The Preposition ‘Along’

1 / 15

There’s no way —— that argument!

2 / 15

I have been thinking ——– you a lot.

3 / 15

We walked —— the riverbank, enjoying the scenery.

4 / 15

The teacher asked the students to read ——- with her.

5 / 15

Everyone at the concert was singing —– to their favourite songs.

6 / 15

In this country, you should always drive —— the left side of the road.

7 / 15

Please pass the message —— to your team.

8 / 15

The police officer asked the crowd to move ——–.

9 / 15

Don’t forget to take —— some notes.

10 / 15

The project is coming ——– nicely.

11 / 15

To reach the town hall, you need to go —— that bridge

12 / 15

He knew it was a joke, so he played —— with their prank.

13 / 15

I am thinking ——- having my hair done

14 / 15

Can I tag ——- with you to the concert?

15 / 15

I get ——– well with my colleagues.

Your score is

The average score is 76%


The Preposition ‘At’

Created on By Michelle

Using the Preposition ‘At’

using prepositions

1 / 12

He works —– home

2 / 12

I worked —- this project for a long time

3 / 12

We have always looked —- her for advice

4 / 12

Have a look —- this photograph

5 / 12

I don’t like people laughing —- me

6 / 12

She laughed along —- the rest of us at the funny film

7 / 12

He is good — playing football

8 / 12

It was good —– him to drop by

9 / 12

They frowned —- each other

10 / 12

She drove —–  the carpark

11 / 12

She arrived —- work early

12 / 12

He aimed his gun ——- the target

Your score is

The average score is 83%


The Preposition ‘By’

Created on By Michelle

Using the Preposition ‘By’

Practise using the preposition ‘by’

1 / 14

I will have the answers for you — next Friday

2 / 14

You must abide — the laws of the land

3 / 14

Could you run that last sentence — me again?

4 / 14

I run this business —- a number of other people

5 / 14

That photograph was taken — Sarah Smith

6 / 14

Steve wrote the book together  — with his mother

7 / 14

What did you mean —- that comment?

8 / 14

Are you passing —- the grocery shop today?

9 / 14

Please don’t swear —- people; it isn’t polite

10 / 14

I swear — this product; it always works

11 / 14

I live according — a strict routine

12 / 14

Please drop the package — at the neighbour’s house

13 / 14

We will get — with the money we have

14 / 14

Would you like to come — this evening?

Your score is

The average score is 89%


The Preposition ‘During’

Created on By Michelle

The Preposition ‘During’

Practise using the preposition ‘during’

1 / 9

You will have to get up —– at some point

2 / 9

—- the war, times were hard

3 / 9

She ate ice cream —— breakfast

4 / 9

We went for a walk —– our lunch break

5 / 9

—– the summer, I studied for my exams

6 / 9

The concert was —– Saturday evening

7 / 9

I visited my friend —– the weekend

8 / 9

I went to the beach —– the day

9 / 9

I went to the beach —- the whole day

Your score is

The average score is 88%


The Preposition ‘For’

Created on By Michelle
Portrait of Student

The Preposition ‘For’

Using the Preposition ‘For’

1 / 13

I’ll wait —– the station for you

2 / 13

I want to thank you —- your help

3 / 13

She will have to stand —– a large audience

4 / 13

The initials ‘UK’ stand —– the United Kingdom

5 / 13

The cost —- the groceries was shocking

6 / 13

I must apologise —– my recent behaviour

7 / 13

He tried to make up —— his lateness by working extra hours

8 / 13

I’m looking —- my keys. Have you seen them?

9 / 13

I don’t care —- anyone but myself

10 / 13

The nurse cared —- the patient throughout the night

11 / 13

He waited —- the reception area

12 / 13

She asked —- a raise at work

13 / 13

He needs to account —– the missing money

Your score is

The average score is 84%


The Preposition ‘From’

Created on By Michelle

The Preposition ‘From’

Practise using the preposition ‘from’

1 / 15

This jam came out ——- my grandmother’s homemade stock

2 / 15

The company stands to gain —— the new tax regulations

3 / 15

It took her a few weeks to recover —– the flu

4 / 15

Would you take a picture —— us standing in front of the Leaning Tower?

5 / 15

He took the picture —— her and tore it to pieces

6 / 15

We can learn valuable lessons ——- our mistakes

7 / 15

The children were playing and trying to hide —– each other

8 / 15

He has been suffering —— years with this condition

9 / 15

I had to keep myself —— laughing during the serious presentation

10 / 15

This delicious cheese comes —— France

11 / 15

The loud noise  ——– the fireworks startled the animals

12 / 15

He turned away —– the disturbing image on the TV screen

13 / 15

The children were advised to move —— the edge of the road

14 / 15

She needed a holiday to get away —– the stress of work

15 / 15

The rebel forces managed to break away ——– the main army

Your score is

The average score is 93%


The Preposition ‘In’

Created on By Michelle

The Preposition ‘In’

Practise using the preposition ‘in’

1 / 18

See you —– Christmas!

2 / 18

See you —— Monday!

3 / 18

All their hard work resulted —— a successful product launch.

4 / 18

The scam artist took —— many unsuspecting victims with his clever schemes.

5 / 18

It took him some time to fit —– his new car with all the gadgets he had bought.

6 / 18

She decided to cash —– her savings bonds to buy a new car.

7 / 18

I believe —– her abilities to succeed in her career.

8 / 18

His reckless behaviour was the result ——- serious personal issues.

9 / 18

The teacher had to step —– and resolve the conflict between the students.

10 / 18

Everyone at the party was dancing, so I decided to join —–.

11 / 18

We need to check —– at the airport two hours before the flight.

12 / 18

We must check —— of the hotel before we leave.

13 / 18

Feel free to drop —— anytime you’re in the neighbourhood.

14 / 18

They decided to move —– of the house because it was infested with rats.

15 / 18

It took me a while to take —– the complexity of the situation.

16 / 18

The class monitor can hand —– the blank forms for you to fill in.

17 / 18

The students handed —— their assignments before the deadline.

18 / 18

Please fill —— the application form and submit it to the reception.

Your score is

The average score is 100%


The Preposition ‘Of’

Created on By Michelle

The Preposition ‘Of’

Practise using the preposition ‘of’

1 / 19

He accidentally spilled coffee —— his shirt and had to change before the meeting.

2 / 19

This  is the best picture anyone has ever taken —— me

3 / 19

She put —— her coat and went out for a walk in the park.

4 / 19

She got tired ——- the same old routine and decided to try something new.

5 / 19

The company is looking to hire new employees to help —— the workload.

6 / 19

The book tells the story ——- a brave knight on a quest for a magical treasure.

7 / 19

The scientist spoke ——- a ground-breaking discovery in the field of medicine.

8 / 19

The company ran out ——- supplies due to unexpected high demand.

9 / 19

The children are excited to start —— their summer holiday tomorrow.

10 / 19

I need to get rid ——- these old clothes to create more space in my wardrobe.

11 / 19

The students made fun ——- their teacher’s quirky sense of humour.

12 / 19

The chef managed to whip up a delicious meal —— just a short amount of time.

13 / 19

He often dreams ——- travelling to exotic destinations around the world.

14 / 19

The team decided to make the most ——- the limited resources available.

15 / 19

They need to figure out a solution —— the complex maths problem.

16 / 19

He quickly picked —— the guitar and started playing his favourite song.

17 / 19

I couldn’t believe it when I heard ——- their incredible journey.

18 / 19

The artist created a beautiful painting ——- a serene landscape.

19 / 19

She took care ——- her sick grandmother during the weekend.

Your score is

The average score is 94%


The Preposition ‘On’

Created on By Michelle
Portrait of Student

The Preposition ‘On’

Practising using the preposition ‘on’

1 / 15

Please, try to focus —— the matter at hand

2 / 15

The keys were left —— the kitchen worktop

3 / 15

The painting hangs —– the wall

4 / 15

She keeps her jewellery —— the wooden box

5 / 15

The children are playing —— the park

6 / 15

If you don’t act —— this, your reputation will diminish

7 / 15

The outcome depends entirely —– his opinion

8 / 15

The concert will be held —– the stadium next weekend

9 / 15

I will meet you —— the coffee shop at 3 o’clock

10 / 15

Hold —– tight and don’t let go

11 / 15

You carry —— without me; I don’t want to hold you up

12 / 15

The students are studying hard to prepare —– the upcoming exam

13 / 15

Remember to put —– something warm

14 / 15

It’s time to take —– a new challenge

15 / 15

Sarah went —– the grocery store to buy some fruits and vegetables

Your score is

The average score is 100%


The Preposition ‘To’

Created on By Michelle

The Preposition ‘To’

Using the preposition ‘to’

1 / 18

He always helps them —— their homework

2 / 18

The new policy could lead —— increased productivity

3 / 18

Let’s get down —– business and start the meeting

4 / 18

She has always looked up —— her favourite aunt

5 / 18

The painting in the museum is a masterpiece —— Renaissance art

6 / 18

The children immediately took ——- the new puppy

7 / 18

She learned a lot —– experiences while travelling

8 / 18

The issue boils down —— a lack of communication

9 / 18

She’s determined to hold on —— her dreams despite the challenges

10 / 18

The book I borrowed is ——– the library

11 / 18

The argument eventually came down —— a simple misunderstanding

12 / 18

Please don’t talk down —– me just because I’m younger

13 / 18

The evidence strongly points —— his innocence

14 / 18

We heard a loud noise coming ——- the garden

15 / 18

They set out —— climb the highest peak in the mountain range

16 / 18

He comes ——- a small town in the countryside

17 / 18

I always look forward —— spending time with my family

18 / 18

The solution came ——- me while I was asleep

Your score is

The average score is 88%


The Preposition ‘With’

Created on By Michelle

The Preposition ‘With’

Practise using the preposition ‘with’

1 / 17

I agree ——– your assessment of the situation.

2 / 17

They walked ——- the bridge to cross the river.

3 / 17

He had to learn to live —— his allergies and make necessary adjustments.

4 / 17

It’s important to read regularly to keep up ——- the latest developments in your field.

5 / 17

The car was parked —— the building.

6 / 17

The team decided to go along ——– the manager’s proposal for the project.

7 / 17

The best sandwich is peanut butter —— two slices of fresh bread.

8 / 17

The kids decided to run away ——- their dog on an adventurous journey.

9 / 17

She sat next ——- her best friend at the concert.

10 / 17

The children found the treasure ——– the tree.

11 / 17

She has a lot of patience to put up ——- her noisy neighbours.

12 / 17

The customer service team needs to be well-equipped to deal —— customer complaints.

13 / 17

The book is ——- the table.

14 / 17

The team had to come up ——- a creative marketing strategy for the new product.

15 / 17

I need to work overtime to catch up ——- the project deadline.

16 / 17

The cat is sleeping —— the cosy basket.

17 / 17

She thought she could get away —— cheating on the test, but the teacher caught her.

Your score is

The average score is 94%


UK and US Spelling Differences

Test your Spelling: UK or US?

Test your Spelling: UK or US?

1 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


2 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


3 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


4 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


5 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


6 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


7 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


8 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


9 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


10 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


11 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


12 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


13 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


14 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


15 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


16 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


17 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


18 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


19 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


20 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


21 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


22 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


23 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


24 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


25 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


26 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


27 / 27

Is this spelling UK or US:


Your score is

The average score is 78%


UK and US Vocabulary

UK and US Vocabulary Please only give answers of one word

Differences in UK and US vocabulary

1 / 17

What do UK English people call a ‘vacation’?

2 / 17

How is the UK punctuation mark, the ‘full stop’, known in US English?

3 / 17

What do UK English speakers call ‘gas’? (the fuel you put in your car)

4 / 17

What do Americans call a ’roundabout’?

5 / 17

What are ‘shades’ in UK English?

6 / 17

What is ‘candy’ in UK English? (Please give the plural form)

7 / 17

What are ‘trainers’ in American English?

8 / 17

What is a ‘semester’ in UK English?

9 / 17

What does an American call a ‘wardrobe’?

10 / 17

What do Americans call an ‘aubergine’?

11 / 17

What is the UK word for the ‘trunk’ of a car?

12 / 17

What is the UK word for the ‘hood’ of a car?

13 / 17

What is the UK word for what Americans call ‘trash’ or ‘garbage’?

14 / 17

What is the UK English word for ‘pants’?

15 / 17

What is an ‘airplane’ in UK English?

16 / 17

How does an English person ask for the ‘check’ (one-word answer please)

17 / 17

What is the name of a ‘trashcan’ in UK English?

Your score is

The average score is 70%


Used To and Use To

Used to

Using ‘Used to’

1 / 20

My cat ___ sitting on the windowsill to watch birds.

2 / 20

We ___ visit our grandparents on holidays.

3 / 20

Jenny ___ have long hair when she was younger.

4 / 20

He ___ drinking milk with every meal.

5 / 20

The students ___ practise their multiplication tables.

6 / 20

We ___ have a pet rabbit named Fluffy.

7 / 20

She ___ wearing a uniform to school.

8 / 20

They ___ go camping in the summer.

9 / 20

I ___ finish my homework before dinner.

10 / 20

Mark —— ride his bike to school.

11 / 20

We used to go to the beach for our summer holidays.

12 / 20

The baby is used to crying in the middle of the night.

13 / 20

My grandparents did not use to write letters to each other.

14 / 20

Jane is used to being the youngest in her family.

15 / 20

My dog is used to sleeping in her basket.

16 / 20

They never used to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings.

17 / 20

He was not used to living in a small town.

18 / 20

We used to eat ice-cream for dessert.

19 / 20

She was used to the noise from the construction site.

20 / 20

I used to play tennis every weekend.

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Using the Word ‘That’

Using the Word ‘That’

Using the word ‘that’

1 / 20

Pass me that plate of biscuits, please.

2 / 20

The dog that barks the loudest usually receives the most attention.

3 / 20

That’s the best advice I’ve received all year.

4 / 20

I want to eat that delicious cake.

5 / 20

The car that he drives is a vintage model.

6 / 20

She mentioned that she might join us for dinner later.

7 / 20

Look at that stunning sunset in the sky.

8 / 20

I didn’t know that that was your favourite film.

9 / 20

It’s raining so heavily outside that we should stay indoors.

10 / 20

The person that you were talking to is my cousin.

11 / 20

Could you pass me that magazine on the table?

12 / 20

The book that you recommended turned out to be fascinating.

13 / 20

He believed that he could achieve anything with hard work.

14 / 20

The dog that barks the loudest usually gets the most attention.

15 / 20

I need to buy that new phone everyone is talking about.

16 / 20

I told him that I would be there by six o’clock.

17 / 20

The house that we visited yesterday had a beautiful garden.

18 / 20

That is not what I meant when I said “take care”.

19 / 20

Pass me that pen over there, please.

20 / 20

She saw something in his eyes that she couldn’t quite define.

Your score is

The average score is 98%


Verb Conjugation

Verb Conjugation

Keep the person the same unless otherwise prompted

1 / 7

Convert this phrase to the third person masculine singular:

I do

2 / 7

Convert this phrase to the second person plural:

You are

3 / 7

Change this phrase to the simple past tense:

He goes

4 / 7

Change this phrase to the simple past tense:

They eat

5 / 7

Write this sentence using the past participle in the present tense:

He stops

6 / 7

Write this sentence using the past participle in the present tense:

He writes

7 / 7

Write this sentence using the present participle:

She smiles

Your score is

The average score is 93%


Well and Good

The difference between ‘Well’ and ‘Good’.

Well is an adverb. Good is an adjective.

1 / 21

The students behaved surprisingly __________ during the school assembly.

2 / 21

I feel ______ after that brisk walk.

3 / 21

Jenna is a __________ artist, creating beautiful paintings with great attention to detail.

4 / 21

The company’s new policy aims to promote __________ communication among team members.

5 / 21

After a week of practice, Tim can play the guitar surprisingly __________.

6 / 21

The film was so __________ that I couldn’t stop talking about it for days.

7 / 21

It is essential to maintain a __________ balance between your work and personal life.

8 / 21

Alex performed exceptionally __________ on the challenging maths exam.

9 / 21

She speaks French __________, thanks to her years of language study.

10 / 21

The violinist was so _______ that the audience demanded an encore.

11 / 21

The concert went so __________ that the audience demanded an encore.

12 / 21

The teacher praised Jake for answering the question so __________.

13 / 21

Sally is a __________ athlete, and she excels in both swimming and running.

14 / 21

The new student adapted to the school environment surprisingly __________.

15 / 21

After practising for hours, Mark can swim really __________ now.

16 / 21

It’s important to choose a chair that provides __________ support for your back.

17 / 21

The chef prepared the dish so __________ that it received rave reviews from the diners.

18 / 21

I heard you did __________ on your exams!

19 / 21

Despite feeling nervous, Sarah presented her research __________ during the conference.

20 / 21

Maria plays the piano so __________ that she always receives applause from the audience.

21 / 21

The team performed __________ in the competition.

Your score is

The average score is 98%


Will and Be Going To

Will and Be Going To

Using ‘Will’ and ‘Be Going To’

1 / 24

We ____ go to the beach if the weather is nice.

2 / 24

She ____ buy a new car next month.

3 / 24

I think it ____ rain tomorrow.

4 / 24

She ____ go to the doctor if she feels worse.

5 / 24

He ____ probably forget about our meeting.

6 / 24

I ____ take a break after finishing this project.

7 / 24

The company ____ launch a new product next month.

8 / 24

She ____ go shopping this afternoon.

9 / 24

They ____ be going on holiday next summer.

10 / 24

They ____ have a baby in a few months.

11 / 24

____ you help me with my homework, please?

12 / 24

____ they be here on time?

13 / 24

The phone ____ probably not _____ ring while I’m in the shower.

14 / 24

They ____ not attend the event.

15 / 24

He ____ send you an email yesterday.

16 / 24

____ you____ be at the meeting tomorrow?

17 / 24

I promise I ____ help you with your homework.

18 / 24

She ____ probably pass the exam.

19 / 24

My parents ____ retire in a few years.

20 / 24

I ____ cook dinner tonight.

21 / 24

____ you come to the party on Saturday?

22 / 24

The sun ____ set in the west.

23 / 24

We ____ visit our grandparents this weekend.

24 / 24

He ____ call you later.

Your score is

The average score is 84%
