Category B1 Lower Intermediate Grammar

Essential English grammar for learners who wish to achieve B1 level.

Object Nouns in a Sentence

In English sentences, a noun can be the main subject of the sentence or clause, or it can be an object, which is to say it is not the subject. The subject noun is the noun performing the verb. This…

Causative Verbs

Causative verbs are a small number of verbs that are used to indicate that one person or thing causes another person or thing to perform an action or be in a certain state. Instead of doing the action themselves, the…

Anything, Something and Nothing

In English, the single negative principle means that only one negative word is used to express a negative idea. When forming negative sentences, one should never double up on negative words. One negative is enough. This lesson focuses on the…

The Difference between It and That

The words it and that can both be used as pronouns. A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun to avoid repetition and make sentences clearer. However, as pronouns, it and that serve different purposes. It refers…

Learn English Adjective Endings

Adjectives are important words in language because an adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun, providing more detail about it. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea such as a dog,…

English Idiomatic Expressions – Idioms

Idiomatic expressions, or idioms, are phrases whose meanings cannot be deduced from the literal definitions of the words within them. They are an essential but confusing part of the English language, but also of many other languages. In the UK,…

Test Yourself with a Parts of Speech Exercise

Words, the building blocks of language, are organised into various categories known as parts of speech or word classes. These classifications serve to facilitate the understanding of sentence structure and linguistic principles. Parts of speech Parts of speech are categories…

Using the Word ‘That’ in English

The word ‘that’ can cause much confusion to English language learners. In language, words are divided into word classes, or what are called ‘Parts of Speech’, and these word classes define the use of a word in a sentence. However,…