Here is an opportunity to practise your English advanced past and future tenses. While there are numerous tense quizzes on this website, this post allows you to see an overview of quizzes laid out in document form. Such a structure enhances initial learning by allowing students to see an overview of examples in which each tense is used effectively before attempting to choose a tense.

Have a go at the exercises presented in this post. The answers to all the exercises are at the bottom of the page. When you are confident, try the quizzes linked at the very end of the article.


The tenses

The following table provides a quick overview of the twelve English tenses.

                                    Past                       Present                      Future

Simple                        I walked                   I walk                        I will walk

Continuous                 I was walking          I am walking             I will be walking

Perfect (simple)          I had walked           I have walked           I will have walked

Perfect Continuous    I had been walking  I have been walking

                                                                                                   I will have been walking

For a more detailed explanation of each of these tenses, please visit the linked post.


Past continuous

While I ___________ (watch) television, the phone ___________ (ring).

They ___________ (have) dinner when the power went out.

She ___________ (study) at the library while her friends ___________ (play) outside.

When I arrived at the party, everyone ___________ (dance) and the music ___________ (play) loudly.

The children ___________ (build) a sandcastle on the beach while their parents ___________ (sunbathe).

He ___________ (read) a book while his wife ___________ (cook) dinner in the kitchen.

While they ___________ (wait) for the bus, it suddenly started raining heavily.

My sister ___________ (practise) the piano while I ___________ (do) my homework.

The workers ___________ (repair) the road while the traffic ___________ (flow) slowly.

While I ___________ (take) a shower, the phone rang repeatedly.

Past perfect

Before the film started, we ______ already _____ our tickets. (buy)

By the time she arrived at the party, everyone ______ already _____. (leave)

He realised he __________ his keys at home when he reached the office. (leave)

They __________ their homework before the teacher collected it. (finish)

The train __________ by the time we reached the station. (depart)

She discovered that someone __________ all the biscuits she had baked. (eat)

Before the storm hit, they ____ already _____ all the windows. (close)

By the time we got to the concert, the band __________ their performance. (finish)

He found out that he __________ the exam after checking the results. (pass)

They __________ the project before the deadline. (complete)

Before the guests arrived, she __________ the table and prepared the food. (set)

We realised we __________ the map when we were already on the road. (forget)

By the time he woke up, his family _____ already _____ on the tour. (go)

She regretted that she __________ the opportunity to meet the author. (miss)

They __________ each other for years before they started dating. (know)

By the time we arrived, they ___________ (finish) their lunch.

She realised she had lost her keys after she ___________ (leave) the house.

When the film started, I realised that I ___________ (already, watch) it.

They were relieved because they ___________ (complete) their project before the deadline.

By the time he woke up, his friends ___________ (leave) for the trip.

She ___________ (never, try) sushi before she visited Japan.

I couldn’t find my glasses because someone ___________ (move) them from their usual place.

He felt regretful because he ___________ (forget) his anniversary.

By the time I got to the station, the train ___________ (depart).

The party was over by the time we arrived; everyone ___________ (leave).

Past perfect continuous

When she finally arrived, she was exhausted because she ___________ (have) trouble sleeping for days.

By the time we got to the restaurant, they ___________ (wait) for us for over an hour.

He realised he had been working too hard because he ___________ (experience) severe back pain.

When they met, she apologised because she ___________ (stand) in the wrong place for nearly an hour.

By the time they returned from their hike, they ___________ (walk) for over three hours.

She felt relieved when she heard the news because she ___________ (worry) about her friend for weeks.

By the time the guests arrived, she ___________ (prepare) dinner for the party all afternoon.

He was soaked when he came in because he ___________ (run) in the rain for the past hour.

She looked tired because she ___________ (work) on her project all night.

By the time they reached the summit, they ___________ (climb) for six hours.

futuristic image

Future continuous

This time tomorrow, I __________ for my final exams. (study)

At 8pm tonight, she __________ a business meeting. (attend)

Next week, we __________ our anniversary. (celebrate)

Tomorrow morning, they __________ to a beautiful island. (travel)

In a few hours, he __________ his research findings at the conference. (present)

Next year, we __________ our house. (renovate)

At 10am tomorrow, I __________ in a virtual conference call. (participate)

Next month, they __________ a marathon. (run)

Today, she __________ her report. (complete)

Next Sunday, we __________ a picnic in the park. (enjoy)

In a few days, he __________ his new business venture. (launch)

When you arrive, I __________ dinner. (cook)

Next summer, they __________ Europe together. (explore)

Next week, I __________ a workshop on creative writing. (attend)

At midnight on New Year’s Eve, we __________ down to the new year. (count)

This time tomorrow, I ___________ (work) on my project.

Next week, they ___________ (travel) to Europe.

At 8 o’clock tonight, we ___________ (have) dinner.

This time next year, she ___________ (study) medicine at university.

At this time tomorrow, they ___________ (attend) a conference.

Next month, he ___________ (learn) how to play the guitar.

At this time next week, I ___________ (attend) a job interview.

Today, they ___________ (complete) their assignments.

At midnight tonight, we ___________ (celebrate) New Year’s Eve.

Next summer, she ___________ (live) in a different city.

Now, please convert these present simple sentences to the future continuous:

She wakes up early every morning to start her day with a refreshing jog.

The sun rises in the east.

He works diligently at his desk, typing away on his computer.

They walk their dog in the park, enjoying the tranquillity of nature.

The children play in the back garden, laughing and shouting.

Future perfect

By the time she arrives, we __________ the project. (finish)

They __________ from university before the reunion taking place next year. (graduate)

I am confident that we __________ the construction by the scheduled date. (complete)

By the end of the month, he __________ around five different countries. (travel)

She __________ her master’s degree by the time she turns 30. (earn)

The team is optimistic that they __________ the championship by the end of the season. (win)

By the time the guests arrive, we __________ a delicious feast. (prepare)

He __________ enough money to buy a new car by the end of the year. (save)

The company anticipates that it __________ the new product by next quarter. (launch)

By the time you get back, I __________ reading the book you lent me. (finish)

We __________ a beautiful garden by the time spring arrives. (plant)

They are confident that they __________ their dream house by the age of 40. (build)

By the time the film starts, we __________ our tickets and popcorn. (buy)

I’m sure that he __________ the marathon by the time we see him at the finish line. (complete)

The students are hopeful that they __________ all their exams by the end of the term. (pass)

By the end of the year, I ___________ (finish) my degree.

By the time you arrive, I ___________ (clean) the house.

By next week, they ___________ (complete) their project.

By the time we get to the party, they ___________ (eat) all the food.

By the end of the month, she ___________ (read) ten books.

By next summer, he ___________ (save) enough money for a trip.

By the end of the winter, I ___________ (write) my novel.

By next year, we ___________ (live) in this city for five years.

By the time the film starts, they ___________ (wait) for twenty minutes.

By the time he retires, he ___________ (work) at the company for thirty years.

Future perfect continuous

By next month, I ___________ (study) Spanish for five years.

By the time she arrives, they ___________ (wait) for two hours.

By next Friday, they ___________ (live) in that house for ten years.

By the time they finish the marathon, they ___________ (run) for over four hours.

By the end of the year, he ___________ (work) on this project for six months.

By next summer, she ___________ (teach) at that school for fifteen years.

By the time he retires, he ___________ (work) as a doctor for forty years.

By next week, they ___________ (travel) around Europe for a month.

By the end of the day, we ___________ (wait) for the results for hours.

By next year, she ___________ (learn) the piano for three years.

answers road sign


Past continuous

While I was watching television, the phone was ringing.

They were having dinner when the power went out.

She was studying at the library while her friends were playing outside.

When I arrived at the party, everyone was dancing and the music was playing loudly.

The children were building a sandcastle on the beach while their parents were sunbathing.

He was reading a book while his wife was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

While they were waiting for the bus, it suddenly started raining heavily.

My sister was practising the piano while I was doing my homework.

The workers were repairing the road while the traffic was flowing slowly.

While I was taking a shower, the phone rang repeatedly.

Past perfect

Before the film started, we had already bought our tickets.

By the time she arrived at the party, everyone had already left.

He realised he had left his keys at home when he reached the office.

They had finished their homework before the teacher collected it.

The train had departed by the time we reached the station.

She discovered that someone had eaten all the biscuits she had baked.

Before the storm hit, they had already closed all the windows.

By the time we got to the concert, the band had finished their performance.

He found out that he had passed the exam after checking the results.

They had completed the project before the deadline.

Before the guests arrived, she had set the table and prepared the food.

We realised we had forgotten the map when we were already on the road.

By the time he woke up, his family had already gone on the tour.

She regretted that she had missed the opportunity to meet the author.

They had known each other for years before they started dating.

By the time we arrived, they had finished their lunch.

She realised she had lost her keys after she had left the house.

When the film started, I realised that I had already watched it.

They were relieved because they had completed their project before the deadline.

By the time he woke up, his friends had left for the trip.

She had never tried sushi before she visited Japan.

I couldn’t find my glasses because someone had moved them from their usual place.

He felt regretful because he had forgotten their anniversary.

By the time I got to the station, the train had departed.

The party was over by the time we arrived; everyone had left.

Past perfect continuous

When she finally arrived, she was exhausted because she had been having trouble sleeping for days.

By the time we got to the restaurant, they had been waiting for us for over an hour.

He realised he had been working too hard because he had been experiencing severe back pain.

When they met, she apologised because she had been standing in the wrong place for nearly an hour.

By the time they returned from their hike, they had been walking for over three hours.

She felt relieved when she heard the news because she had been worrying about her friend for weeks.

By the time the guests arrived, she had been preparing dinner for the party all afternoon.

He was soaked when he came in because he had been running in the rain for the past hour.

She looked tired because she had been working on her project all night.

By the time they reached the summit, they had been climbing for six hours.

Future continuous

This time tomorrow, I will be studying for my final exams.

At 8pm tonight, she will be attending a business meeting.

Next week, we will be celebrating our anniversary.

Tomorrow morning, they will be travelling to a beautiful island.

In a few hours, he will be presenting his research findings at the conference.

Next year, we will be renovating our house.

At 10am tomorrow, I will be participating in a virtual conference call.

Next month, they will be running a marathon.

Today, she will be completing her report.

Next Sunday, we will be enjoying a picnic in the park.

In a few days, he will be launching his new business venture.

When you arrive, I will be cooking dinner.

Next summer, they will be exploring Europe together.

Next week, I will be attending a workshop on creative writing.

At midnight on New Year’s Eve, we will be counting down to the new year.

This time tomorrow, I will be working on my project.

Next week, they will be travelling to Europe.

At 8 o’clock tonight, we will be having dinner.

This time next year, she will be studying medicine at university.

At this time tomorrow, they will be attending a conference.

Next month, he will be learning how to play the guitar.

At this time next week, I will be attending a job interview.

Today, they will be completing their assignments.

At midnight tonight, we will be celebrating New Year’s Eve.

Next summer, she will be living in a different city.

Now, please convert these present simple sentences to the future continuous:

She will be waking up early every morning to start her day with a refreshing jog.

The sun will be rising in the east.

He will be working diligently at his desk, typing away on his computer.

They will be walking their dog in the park, enjoying the tranquillity of nature.

The children will be playing in the back garden, laughing and shouting.

Future perfect

By the time she arrives, we will have finished the project.

They will have graduated from university before the reunion taking place next year.

I am confident that we will have completed the construction by the scheduled date.

By the end of the month, he will have travelled around five different countries.

She will have earned her master’s degree by the time she turns 30.

The team is optimistic that they will have won the championship by the end of the season.

By the time the guests arrive, we will have prepared a delicious feast.

He will have saved enough money to buy a new car by the end of the year.

The company anticipates that it will have launched the new product by next quarter.

By the time you get back, I will have finished reading the book you lent me.

We will have planted a beautiful garden by the time spring arrives.

They are confident that they will have built their dream house by the age of 40.

By the time the film starts, we will have bought our tickets and popcorn.

I’m sure that he will have completed the marathon by the time we see him at the finish line.

The students are hopeful that they will have passed all their exams by the end of the term.

By the end of the year, I will have finished my degree.

By the time you arrive, I will have cleaned the house.

By next week, they will have completed their project.

By the time we get to the party, they will have eaten all the food.

By the end of the month, she will have read ten books.

By next summer, he will have saved enough money for a trip.

By the end of the winter, I will have written my novel.

By next year, we will have lived in this city for five years.

By the time the film starts, they will have waited for twenty minutes.

By the time he retires, he will have worked at the company for thirty years.

Future perfect continuous

By next month, I will have been studying Spanish for five years.

By the time she arrives, they will have been waiting for two hours.

By next Friday, they will have been living in that house for ten years.

By the time they finish the marathon, they will have been running for over four hours.

By the end of the year, he will have been working on this project for six months.

By next summer, she will have been teaching at that school for fifteen years.

By the time he retires, he will have been working as a doctor for forty years.

By next week, they will have been travelling around Europe for a month.

By the end of the day, we will have been waiting for the results for hours.

By next year, she will have been learning the piano for three years.

That completes the answers section.

If you have any questions, please do enter them below.

For further practice, please visit the following links:

and scroll down alphabetically to the ‘future’ ‘past’ or ‘present’ tenses

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